Me gusta jugar a la “Siesta Roulette”
“It’s hard to believe
how far
small steps can take you
until you experience the progress
for yourself.
Then it becomes
hard to remember
where it all started.
Keep going.”
I don’t know the author but thank you Maciej for sending this text.
Keep going, bro. 🤜🏿🤛🏿
- TODO: plan to go to conference, Poznan Miasto doznan
- TODO: learn shortcut for Jupyther Notebook
- TODO: try Obsidian
- the private and flexible writing app that adapts to the way you think
- TODO: change all links to be links that you could click & will open in another tab, mardown baby
- TODO: after 30 days of blogging, create podcast ~15 minutes every day to read all staff what I made in the blog first step do podcast, live on Youtube without face, only share the screen
- after 30 next days of success podcast do short lives of that on YouTube.
- Title: “Morning Daily Confession”. I reserve the copyrights.
- Every day at 6AM. Crazy hour. But come on. XD If I will do this challange, any anything is possible.
- have some fun with “siesta roulette”, which comes from unwise sleep management.
- sleep only 5 hours
- 2 hour nap
- working after normal work hours
- bad Kamil, bad
- wake up at 8AM!
- got dirty hands with pandas, great success, I edited some file with pandas at work, to update some data from csv to db, nothing fancy but good start
- work with pandas is less painfull then I rememberd 4 years ago
- work on jupyther notebook in vscode is awesome
- black formater is owrking there 💪
- I did some walk with my GF, ~1 hour on today afternoon
- [AWS] Lambdas
- You could use crontab expressions
- Step Functions is a visual workflow service that helps developers use AWS services to build distributed applications, automate processes, orchestrate microservices, and create data and machine learning (ML) pipelines.
- [Pandas] usage log
- read df from csv
- check columns
- drop couple columns
- change types of 2 columns
- concatenate 2 columns together
- double check with group by count if all done correct
- add id column
- apply uuid value to the column
- set index with id
- write df to csv
# WIP:
# TODO: need to change jupyther code to script python file
# TODO: anonymize data
- [JupytherNotebook] Black works in vscode, pretty good.
[AI] LangChain’s flexible abstractions and extensive toolkit unlocks developers to build context-aware, reasoning LLM applications.
- low code or no code are good for prototyping
- exmaple tool: Tablue a powerful data visualization tool that allows users to connect to various data sources and create interactive dashboards.
- [TOOLS] Obsidian
- the private and flexible writing app that adapts to the way you think
Thanks for reading this ❤️
Love, KK