

You know we finally here, right?

Where are we?

It′s Friday then

Then Saturday, Sunday (what?)”


  • [TODO] Free personality test, type descriptions, relationship and career advice.
  • [TODO] CI/CD for Machine Learning (GitOps)
  • blue print for career


  • access permissions for databricks, data - new guy
  • struggle with expense management for Vue Amsterdam


  • deliver last tasks in project in the old team, I could focus 100% on work in new team - deliver is one of key to be good expert, “always getting sh*t done”


  • Mike Gallardo


  • [TODO] CI/CD for Machine Learning (GitOps)
    • Thanks Zibi. Zibi TOP <3
  • Free personality test, type descriptions, relationship and career advice.
    • Thanks Slawek
  • “I got promoted from Manager to Director in 6 months at Deel. Skipped the Senior Manager position. “ blue print for career
    • thanks Mike Gallardo for sharing his strategy
    • thanks Zibi for sharing with me, ZIBI TOP <3
    • source
    • copy from source:


    1. Aligned with my boss on his priorities, and then gave those priorities everything I had: “Hey boss, It seems like X and Y are the most important things to execute on right now. Is that right or is something else more important?”

    2. Got results on those priorities. “Hey boss, since hiring is our #1 priority, I built this workbook tracking our hiring funnel that I’ll keep up to date. You can review anytime. You’ll notice I’ve been posting on LI and have already driven 1,000 applicants to our SMB AE role.”

    3. Was vocal about my goals so it was clear what I was looking to accomplish: “Hey boss, here’s what I’m hoping to achieve at Deel and my career goals… [insert goals] if you ever have any feedback that will help me on that path please let me know.”

    4. Asked for hard feedback, listened and then worked on those things: “Hey boss, I’m 60 days in at Deel. Would you mind sharing your absolute hardest feedback with me? You won’t hurt my feelings, I’m just looking to improve as fast as possible and getting feedback’s a big part of that.”

    5. Was vocal about my accomplishments. Did not assume my boss knew everything I was doing: “Hey boss, want to take this 1:1 to run through my results, progress and accomplishments this quarter, specifically around our priorities of X and Y.”

    6. Got great team feedback. My general strategy here is simply to align on what people are looking to accomplish, and then do everything I can to support them getting there, including providing tough feedback. That, and just being nice, caring, positive and helpful.

    7. Calm, cool, collected and pragmatic always. No matter the challenges or how difficult things were, always coming in without emotion and a plan. Thriving in the chaos, always getting sh*t done and moving the business forward.


    A lot of getting promoted depends on how you manage your relationship with your boss.

    Most people don’t think about this through a strategic lens. So if you do, you’ll position yourself (quickly!) for BIG opportunities.

    The sooner you build this skillset the faster your career will take off, I promise.

    • Mike G


Thanks for reading this ❤️

Best, KK

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