my David Goggins
I relize I know some similar person like David Goggins
Person that not complain
Person that you can’t hurt
Person that work hard
Never tired
For always setting an example for me of how to work hard.
Thank you Pops
- maybe start use google sheet with normal use of API
Check the StackOverflow Developer Survey for 2024
FastApi for the win <3
A lot of fullstacks on the market :O
I heard opinion “Do two jobs for he value of one.”
Remember, fullstack it’s not the meaning of that. Always you will be better on backend or on fronted.
Just don’t be scary of learn other technologies.
Be more open, more varianty. Have fun with that.
It will give you value in future. Maybe not today, not tomorrow. But trust me.
fasthtml = python + htmx
Intresting concept how use htmx with python
- again js
- to go earier to bed
I run 5km, walk with my fiancee 5km & do joga on the morning.
Honestly run with walk, run minimum 1km than walk couple of metters.
run 5km - 47 minutes
Before each run I do a warm-up & after some stretching. Age requirements.
Greg, look out, I will run more than you!
fix add & show comments on blog
for NOW
still ugly as hell
form visualization looks worse than me
TODO: to improve it
second day at work do reporting staff & paste it on the chat
What I did yesterday and waht I plan today
I prepared staff from monday blamy, daily
Jfrog platform crashed - I have hope it’s not me XD
- my Dad
Could you write comment about your last achivement?