Summary of 2024
It’s the beginning of February, which is the perfect time to summarize 2024. XD
I would love to share with you my achievements and failures (opportunities) from the past year.
For me, it’s a good way to work on my imposter syndrome.
Career - IT
I was Workshop Instructor & Speaker at 3 Python Conferences.
Workshop Instructor: “MongoDB for Beginners” at PyCon Sweden (back to back) & PyCon Poland (back to back).
Speaker: “MongoDB for Beginners” & “Getting Started with Copier” at Python Summit, Warsaw.
Almost consume almost 11 books in English. God Bless Audiobooks
“Surrounded by Idiots” by Thomas Erikson. Everybody is different.
“Can’t Hurt Me” by David Goggins. Pure Motivation.
“Deep Work” by Cal Newport. Focus, focus, focus.
“Atomic Habits” by James Clear. Small changes, big results.
“How to Give Zero F*cks” by Stephen Wildish. Perfect to fight with your imposter syndrome.
“Software Engineering at Google” by Titus Winters, Tom Manshreck, Hyrum Wright. Big G. Intresting.
“Never Split the Difference” by Chris Voss. Negotiation skills.
- “Why We Sleep” by Matthew Walker. Maybe I will come back to it but in Native Language.
- “Architecture Patterns with Python” by Harry Percival, Bob Gregory. I will back to it when I will have more time.
- “Designing Data-Intensive Applications” by Martin Kleppmann. I will back to it when I will have more time.
- “Fundamentals of Data Engineering” by Joe Reis & Matt Housley. I will back to it when I will have more time.
- Blood results are better than year ago.
- Lost 5kg.
- Ran 5km. Believe me, for my knees and condition, it was a lot.
- Stopped drinking alcohol since November.
Failures - Challenges - Opportunities - Staff to work on
Sleep. On average, I sleep for 6 hours and 47 minutes, with a bedtime of 2:44 AM and a wake-up time of 9:31 AM.
I didn’t finished my side projects. I need to have something in production. Take less, do more.
I didn’t write on this blog as much as I wanted.
Imposter Syndrome. It’s blocking me to do more.
Thanks for reading this ❤️